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Y Monday, September 25, 2006Y
the letter ryting was so not wad i expected.hahas...
i thought it was those kinda choosing and reccomandation one.
it turned out to be a letter of complain.
so i wrote the person who is cherie loo.
i tink i rote outta point.
cause it is being unhelpful,not rude.
so i guess i wrote alot of unneccasary things.
wasted la.

why this computer suddenly so slow?
wads rong with it.
i am sure i wont like back double lions.
nor that stupid lun.
i am so over it.

i am starting to hate one of my friends more and more.
ever since today.
so irritating.
she is but...nvm...anyway,if u tink u are the one,you are not.
cause the person dun even noe my blog exsit!
ok wad eva.i du nreallt care do i?
no,i dont,
so if u wannt bring me back to live,vote for jonathan.
my jon jon.
omg...his singin is so much better than hady.!
but why do i have this feeling that hady will win.
issit all my friends say he is better so he is good?
i dun think it is so lorx....not at all!
it is so like old computer.
like i type finish but the words haven appear.
wa lao.
wad is with this dumb computer?
see i ryte until here,only at the lun there?
it is not my tpin fast ok?
i struggling to get the words.
rachel-reache for the good!*
smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Saturday, September 23, 2006Y
this blog is a success...i love it.
smiling @ those_hunny bees

i miss my blog.
ichanged it.
fiona says that alot of ppl have the same skin.
i noe how irritating it is.

ei love you
smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Friday, September 22, 2006Y
it is not the end of the world.
it all started with stalkers in the world.
it is so stupid.
if i probably ever eat dim sum .
i will chew it.
bite it and
chop it into small small pieces.
hahas...cherie dun be sad le.
cheer up like a cherry pom pom!
it is ok to have a gang.
another word for gang is a group.
so it is totally ok.
see my other blog cherie!!!
only cherie.other go in will have spanking!

rachel-reach for he good.
smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Thursday, September 21, 2006Y
cherie says i put my pic and the cme slide cause i wanna attract attention.frm the worst ppl of the world no lor.
nothing lyk that! all i want is yx attention. hahas. ___________________________________*
yea partially true she says.
thats so cool.
my exams are nearing again.
so if i really wanna get into my dream class. i gotta study hard.
all the way gurl!
to reine and ying xuan...i hope u can get into the same class as me.
to cherie....go science stream, la.!!!! it is for yur own good.
reine wants to be a doctor.
hahas..... then we started tokin bout the low cut dressing. omg. so funny.lol
hey hey hey.... cherie dun wanna tok for cme... rahhs...
bite her head off!! neh nehs.....
i rather eat wen hui's head! more chewy
hahahas.....i hope cherie reads this! she a babe. oh ya. that day i go her hse fer cme project. cute brandy was saying suffer the corkyquences. so cute. how i wishd my brothers are lyk that! freaks la. bye.. gtg.to sleep/nights purity-rache=)
smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Sunday, September 17, 2006Y
ying xuan says she hates tution.
so i purposely say i like tution...
nope,not only like.LOVE TUTION.
then she started saying that i have moodswings.
sians la....
tomorrow got school.
ms yong still ask me to redo her compo.
i have no idea wad to do lol.

sians la....
why my life is so boring.
never mind.
even tough when everything is bad,
it can be hidden with a smile.
it takes 25 muscles to smile
and 125 muscles to frown.
u rather have no expression ryte?
so dumb.

i hate my school life.
boring and not exciting any more like it use to be.
but now,
there are more ppl liao.
then just the old one.
let me see....
4.wen hui
8.yue nian
10.man pang the loser.
14.ruo ting

this is not in order.
and here are the ppl who have not changed.
lee xin yan.

though when trouble comes...
i dun think there is much to do.
just live on.
God is with us.
well he is.

streaming is coming.
i still dun have motivation to work and study.
why no sense of panic.
i feel that i am pathetic.

there are loads of changes in my life.
and,i am beginning to accept them.
one by one.
just like having the motivation to play piano.
thanks ying xuan.
having this blog and fill my life with girl power!
thanks cherie.
being so perfect this year.
thanks reine.
getting closer to god.
thanks candace and wen hui.(man pang?no way!)
being myself.
thanks ling hui and sheryl.
carry on with my life.
xin yan and xin jie.
and sumtimes crazniess.
yue nian and clarence.like i said only sumtimes

purity rachel*
smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Saturday, September 16, 2006Y
i hate my brother!
always so noisy.
no peace in the house.
so i dun understand why so many ppl wanna have
they will be just as irritating aa normal brothers.

today,when nic and flinz came for science tution,
the first thing they said to me was u gonna get rapped.
so disgusting lol.
but it is cool!.hahhas.
then flinz bought the poliful yingxuan bought.
hahas....it is nice and soft,unlike the other jellybeans.
the fruity flavour reminds me of cherie.
too bad,she isnt enjoying it~
nic dropped 3 on the floor.
then we beginning 2 draw faces on the beans.
ain't that cute.
when tution ended,flinda took photos of the jellybeans.
with the words,u goanna get rapped.
hahahs.the pink background in nice.
pretty man!

later got english tution.
i really like of hate it.esp got andrew there.
like no freedom.
2 days in a row must see him.
sians summore the teacher is bias one lor.
anyway i hope it will end soon after my exams.
great.i hope no one in my english tution sees it.

gtg bye.

smiling @ those_hunny bees

Y Friday, September 15, 2006Y
t0day is the w0rst day in 2/8. lilian g0t talked 0ff by fabian lim. since
he implanted the fine system, everybody get stress le lol. he tinks it will
us. pls lol. worst of all,man pang added oil to the fire. he tinks he
is still
in charge. hello,like is u want to step down one lol. eww...the way
he flirts is
so yucky. esp these week.

today,it was
rainy cats and dogs. so
supa heavy. wenhui,elaine and me shared an umbrella. i
still had 2 carry the
stupid er hu home lol. i wont even practice lol. so wads
the use of bringing
home? force ppl also no use one lol. at the junction.cherie
and her gang
together with yue nian and clarence. were drenched! hahahahas.i
almost laugh
till i die. the whole body contain water lor. summore,the boys
still walk so
peacfully,no sense of wetness. hahas.

the exam was still ok. i can pass la.
merit or distinction? maybe no. sightreding....was so hard. the examiner
give me
the grade one .he corkeye la. hahas. then he gong gong come and say
"oh sorry oh
sorry.wrong one" he so fat and chubby. bouncy! lol. gtg. bye!

purity -rachel=)

smiling @ those_hunny bees